I went to an All Girls Boarding School on the East Coast of the United States.
I wasn't forced to go there, it wasn't punishment for bad behavior at home, and I'm not a super-genius either. So why does an ordinary 14-year-old girl decide to go so far away from home?
No school on Wednesdays.
No, really, that was it. There was a special program where students would have internships, volunteer positions, and team-building activities every Wednesday instead of classes. And that was the final straw as to why I decided to go so far away. I interned on Capitol Hill, an elementary school, the Motion Picture Association of America, and a Shakespeare theater. I learned more and did more than any 17-year-old I've met since. It was really the experience of a lifetime, as cliche as that sounds.
I ended up as a Co-Head of the Gay-Straight Alliance, and Head of House in a freshman dorm. It was a great ride and I don't regret the loss of a 'normal' high school experience (prom, boys, after-school job at the ice-cream parlor) at all.
Photo time!
Me on the quad:
Me on graduation day:
I'm going to refer to my school as High School or All Girls School or AGS or something. If you know me in real life, you know the school, but it feels weird to refer to it by name.... the administrators might not be so happy about one of their lovely, delicate graduates growing up to be an angry metalhead. Though, they probably had some ideas while I was still there, judging by the purple hair above.....